Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

hormones in animals


Answered by ampamaria2010p5kn54
Hormones are chemical substances responsible for growth, repair ,etc 

sahil573: good answer
Answered by Nandinikaushik
There are 4
1.Thyroid gland secretes thyroxine hormone for the production of tis hormone iodine is neccessay but in limted quality which is facilittated by salt. If tbe production of this hormone dcrs then a disease called goitre can be caused whose symptom is a swollen neck.
2. pancreas gland- secrets insulin which is neccesaay. controlls glucose level of blood
3. Pitutary gland which secretes growth hormone whose excess can cause gigantism amd less can cause dwarfism(its also known as master gland bec. it controls the secretion of all other glands.
4.adrenal gland secrets adrenaline which helps us in outcoming from emergency situation its excess can cause anxiety,,weight loss etc

Anonymous: thnxx
Nandinikaushik: welcm
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