Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

Hospital information system: Patients - indoor/outdoor, medicines/lab tests(including results) prescribed to patients, information if a patient if referred to other experts/hospital. Doctors - specialization, patients attended etc. Different wards/beds and patients allotted to them etc. Patient registration form should include Registration number, Patient Name, Address, Gender, Bed number, date of registration, refer doctor id etc. Doctor information should include Doctor code, Doctor Name, Specialization etc. Lab test information should include Test name, test number, test date, results and referred doctor’s code. Bed information should include bed number, ward number and status(whether allotted or not). Queries : 1. Display the details of patients admitted between ‘20-Jul-19’ and ’20-Aug-19’. 2. Change the name of the patient to ‘Ram’ whose patient id=’PT011’ 3. Display the names of the patients and lab test results performed on ‘20-Jul- 19’. 4. Display the number of patients taking treatment under doctor =’ABC’. 5. Retrieve the name of the doctor who is taking care of the maximum number of patients. 6. Change the bed number of the patient to 456 where patient id=’PT023’ 7. Change the status of bed with bed number 123 with ‘not allotted’. 8. List the bed details which are free in ward number 10. 9. List the name of male patients in ward no 13 taking treatment under doctor ‘XYZ’ 10. List the details of patients with age more than 50 taking treatment under a doctor, whose name like ‘das’.


Answered by samyukthan568



 Introduction and Problem Definition

 ER/EER Model

 Relational Model

 Snapshots of Input/ Output Form

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