Biology, asked by Ishant4405, 9 months ago

Host cell completely destroyed in -
Latent infection
Persistent infection
Lytic infection


Answered by venusvidya2205

Answer: host cell is completely destroyed in lytic infection and even in the latent infection but they differ in the way they causes lysis of the cell

Latent infection and lytic infection is caused during transduction and it is a type of sexual reproduction in bacteria in which genetic material is transferred from one bacterium to the other by a bacteriophage ( the virus which infect bacteria) in this the virus enter one bacterium and infects the cell and then force the bacterial cell to replicate the genetic material of virus and increase its number

In case of latent infection the genetic material of the virus gets integrated with the recipient bacterial genetic material remains

latent and doesn't cause any damage to the cell until it is exposed to radiation from external source only after that it becomes harmful or virulent. the time gap between the infection and the transformation into virulent stage is called as latent period or avirulent period after entering into the virulent stage the virus replicates its number and while leaving the cell it causes lysis of the cell

Whereas in lytic infection the virus just after entering into the bacterium cell it replicate its number and while leaving the cell that causes lysis of the cell

The main difference between latent and lytic infection is that the lytic cycle causes immediate lysis of the cell whereas in latent cycle it takes some time

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