Social Sciences, asked by revasharma06, 1 year ago

Some people say that DEMOCRACY is disgusting taking an example of India. They support China's Communism. Justify this statement.



Answered by anonymous091827

I'd say that overall it isn't, but that it does have some advantages. It means that the one man who is in charge, in the case that he actually has the experience and skills required to effectively run a country, has no restraints and can therefore act quickly and effectively to solve a problem without having to think about re-election.

What if communism ruled the world?

Rosa Lichtenstein, Degrees in Mathematics and Philosophy

Updated March 24, 2019

The following is what (this comes from something I have written elsewhere):


Socialist Economy

The following applies only to Marx’s version of socialism/communism, not the aberration that took over the former Soviet Union after Lenin died and the Stalinists seized power, which later spread into China, E Europe, N Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Cuba.

[In addition, it would require a fully socialised society (the left-wing version of nationalisation), and one that has spread to most or all of the ‘advanced’ economies (why that is so will also be explained).]

The primary aim of such a society will be the reduction of the working week with no loss of pay. Here is how that will be achieved:

If, say, factory, F, can make n Widgets per 8 hour day, and worker/engineer, W, comes up with a technological or work-method improvement that will enable factory F to make n Widgets per 6 hour day, then (unlike at present) this will reduce the working week by 10 hours (with no loss of pay), as opposed to making k workers redundant (in that factory, or in other factories).

Economic advance, in every area, will therefore be aimed at reducing the working week as opposed to cutting wages, making workers redundant, or undercutting competitors in order to secure higher profits — but, there won't be any competitors since every economic unit will share this common goal, reducing the working week.

This will in turn mean that technological and other innovations will be freely shared, not regarded as 'industrial secrets', as they are at present. Such developments won't be resisted, as is often the case under capitalism, they will be welcomed, and those introducing them will be regarded as heroes, not villains, as happens now.

So, the pressure in society won't be to hoard knowledge and keep it secret, but to open it up, and make it freely available. The only competition in society will be to see who can come up with the next big idea, the next big technological advance, the next refinement in the work process, that will shorten the working week. Every other economic unit will no longer be viewed as a threat but as an ally. The same will be true of every other country, so there will be no international rivalry, and hence no wars.

Shortening the working week will, plainly, free up time so that vastly more individuals will be able to educate themselves to whatever level they want, and in whatever subject they desire, thus filling the ranks with countless individuals committed to the above innovations — technologists, designers, computer scientists. Others will be able to devote time to the arts, science, exploration, tourism, photography, medicine, etc., etc., most of which areas are now largely confined to, or monopolised by, the rich or those patronised by the wealthy. This will create a truly massive pool of creativity, not just in technology, but in ‘pure research’, design and the arts, music, communication, and entertainment, easily the greatest increase in all of human history.

Furthermore, human potential won’t be squandered or wasted as it is now (for example, at present 29,000 children under the age of five die each day from preventable causes; quite apart from its immorality and the untold misery and suffering it causes, what a massive waste of human potential this is alone! — that won’t happen under socialism), so the pool of human creativity will grow exponentially.

Goal: Reduce child mortality

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