HOTS/VBOS Why is it important to have a chance to appear in a higher court?
The District Disaster Management Plan is a key for management of emergency or disaster. It will play
asignificant role to address the unexpected disasters that occur in the district effectively. Theinformation
available in DDMP is valuable in terms of its use during disaster. Based on the history ofvarious major
incidents & disasters that occur in the district, the plan has been designed.Utmost attention has been paid to
make it handy, precise rather than bulky one. Thisplan has been prepared which is based on the guidelines
provided by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). While preparing this plan, most of the
issues, relevant to crisis management, havebeen carefully dealt with. During the time of disaster there will be
a delay before outside help arrives. At first, self help is essential and depends on a prepared community which
is alert and informed. Efforts have been made to collect and develop this plan to make it more applicable and
effective tohandle any type of disaster.
The DDMP developed involves some significant issues like Incident ResponseSystem (IRS), Hazard,
Risk, Vulnerability and Resource Mapping, the response mechanism in disaster management. In fact, the
response mechanism, an important part of the plan isdesigned with the IRS, a best model of crisis management
has been included in the response part forthe first time. It has been the most significant tool to the response
manager to deal with the crisis withinthe limited period and to make optimum use of the available resources.
Details of resources are given an importance in the plan so that during disaster theiroptimum use can
be derived. The resource inventory, the IDRN is now shared with all the line departments for updates which
arevital to cope with the crisis. It will give the detail information to any officer at the time of disaster. S/hecan
view the available resources and order them at the time of disaster. The most necessary equipments,
skilledmanpower and critical supplies needs to be included in the inventory resources. During disaster,
theresources from this website can be ordered without delay which will make the response time lesser. List of
Nodal Officers of Emergency Support functionaries and their resources, control room of various departments,
ambulances, blood banks, public healthcenters, and government and private hospitals, RWA’s, School’s have
been included in this p