How According to Longinus can the defects of Style be avoided
Longinus differentiates the true Sublime from the False Sublime and tells that the vices of the Sublime came out of two things i.e. ”lack of passion and sincerity and inadequacy of communication caused by faulty technique.” He has repeatedly alerted the readers “against bombast, puerility on affectation and conceits of frigidity.
Longinus takes a passage from Aeschylus and demarcates that False Sublime is the output of turgidity of language.
According to Longinus, the defects of Style give rise to the fourth vice of the Sublime.
These defects can be avoided by omitting the flowery expressions of elegancies that can also have contrast meanings.
So he mentioned in his literary work ‘On the Sublime’ that the moral quality is the outcome of the greatness of the spirit of a writer, which may also be acquired by following the other great writers.