how and who turns cotton into finished products that can come into your wardrobe
Mixing and blowing
To begin the spinning process, the compressed staple fiber delivered to the spinning plant is unraveled using a mixing and blowing machine. It is then cleaned by removing substance such as leaves, seeds, or sand adhering to it. Finally, the staple fiber is processed into sheet-shaped "lap."
From field to fabric
The steps to producing your cotton T-shirt
1. Harvesting
The fibres inside cotton bolls are stripped from the plant by mechanical harvesters.
2. Ginning
Once harvested, the cotton is dried out and then the fibre is separated from the seeds using a cotton gin.
3. Fibre bales
The cotton fibre is compressed into bales weighing approximately 225kg each before being delivered to a textile mill.
4. Spinning
Individual strands of cotton fibre, called slivers, are twisted tightly together to create a thicker cotton yarn.
5. Weaving or knitting
The yarn is woven by interlacing strands on a loom or knitted by interlocking looped strands using needles.
6. Dyeing
The fabric is passed through a hot dye solution then squeezed through rollers to remove any excess liquid.
7. Cutting and sewing
Pieces of finished fabric are cut and stitched together to create clothing and other textile products.
8. Ready for the customer
The finished products are ready to be sold to retailers and purchased by the public.