English, asked by eyenainjavid, 6 months ago

how are animals better in comparison to human being about 200 words​


Answered by Aadighogare6575


hey hi here is the answer


It is quite true animals have been treated very cruelly by man. Man is the most dangerous animal that has ever lived on planet! That is what is written in a zoo at Lusaka, in Zambia. No other animal has done so much damage to the planet as man! He has denuded forests from the face of earth; in his blind race of industrialization he has polluted the very air we breathe. The innocent animals in the forests have been dragged to the verge of extinction. Still his hunger is unsatisfied! He has made the sacred affairs of life into mundane trade and commerce. For him animals are raw material for his production of profitable goods and merchandises! Any animal that comes within the range of his greedy perception, is gone forever. The fur animals such as foxes, minks, rabbits, wolves, cats, beavers, tigers, leopards, and many more, man hunts all of them for trading their furs in return for money! He forgets that these animals are an integral part of the ecological system.  

The price of human greed is being paid by poor, innocent animals. Some animal species are getting depleted at an alarming rate. If the present state of affairs is allowed to continue, the next generation will not get to see many majestic animals even in the zoo. If you want to know the sad tales of miseries of animals and injustices being done to them by man, do watch Animal Planet or BBC Earth by Sony. You will be shuddered to know how these innocent, speechless creatures are being butchered by local men and poachers.  

Animals are equally precious and should equally share God’s earth.  The Governments of respective countries must make strict rules and laws to protect animals and implement these laws honestly. We, the people must treat them with respect. We must not subject them to pain, separation from their habitat or natural environment. We must stop exploiting and killing them for fun and food. Besides, it is not morally and ethically right to deprive someone of the right of living in their own home. Forests and their other habitats are the natural home of animals. We must let them live there. We must follow the precept of ‘Live and let live others’ conscientiously. Being the most intelligent animal, it is man’s responsibility to take care of the less endowed animals. We need not exert our powers and superiority over them because they don’t have ego like us. They are the part of beautiful creation of God, let’s learn to appreciate them.  

Answered by nimsunset

How are animals better than humans?

Get the power of freedom. Book a Volkswagen Polo test drive.

In certain Aspects - Animals will Definitely be Far Better Off than Humans -

The Animals will have a much more Keener Sense of Smell like in Dogs, Ability to See Longer distances like in Kites, Eagles, Albatross, In Animals like Cats they will know how to Anticipate and Move quickly - Their Agility is incomparable with Humans - For Example Cheetahs - So Animals will have a Higher Degree of Evolution when it comes to certain areas of The Brain which are important for Survival in the wild. Animals usually have Very well developed Sense organs.

Animals can also be Better than Humans since they don’t have to Study and Impress their Teachers, Fellow Students, Parents, Relatives and Friends - Nor do they have to Go to Work to make a Living out of it. Animal’s Lives are shorter and they will look to survive for the moment, rather than think of their Future like how humans will have to plan Decades before for their Old age living - Animals do not Survive beyond a Certain age, or if they are Crippled or get sick they pass away quickly - Since they do not have access to Healthcare and Medicines - Nor will The Humans be Kind or willing to provide their Pets or Zoo Animals and Exhibits with Medical facilities after the animals age - They will be Put to Rest or Euthanized with Disdain and Little Regret or Remorse for their Sad lives - Animals seldom have Medical Insurance benefits.

Animals will usually Kill another Animal for Eating in The Wild for a Survival and to Balance The Natural Ecological System to Decrease The Increase in Fast Reproduction of Herbivores that can in turn result in Over Grazing and Loss of Habitat and Over exploitation of Forests - In contrast, Humans rear Animals for Slaughter - Not One or Two but in Thousands and Infinite numbers - For Eating, For Trade, To Satisfy their Taste buds even when they are not desperately hungry, To Export their Meat and make Millions out of it.

Humans also do Hunt Animals Deliberately and make Trophies out of the Dead Animals for Display at their Rich Homes & in Museums and Galleries - It is a Matter of Pride if a Hunter were to Gun Down a Large Grizzly Bear, a Fully Grown Lion or Tiger - They will Skin it and Mount the Slain Animal with its Fur and Body parts like Skin, Claws, Teeth, Eyes, Horns, Tusks etc etc and Showcase them for Future Generations - Many Animals of The Wild have become Extinct Due to Human Greed and Hunting has taken its toll over many species of animals - Now the Wild Animals are Critically Endangered Across The Globe !

Animals are Better than Humans - Since The Humans Carry out Live Dissections of Animals in Laboratories and to Study their Internal parts ! I have Till Date got No Benefits out of Dissecting Innocent animals like Frogs, Sharks, Prawns, Crabs, Oysters, Leeches, Cockroaches, Worms etc and I Still Regret Killing The Poor Animals who had a Right to Survive on their own in an Ecosystem - What was the need to Dissect them and pluck out their Internal organs like Hyoid Bone, Stomach, Gizzard, Heart, Liver, Lungs and see them under a Microscope ? Cutting their vital parts and taking Longitudinal and Vertical Sections and seeing their Cells and Tissues after Staining makes no sense if we are Not Helping the Animals to Survive or treat Their Diseases for a better living.

Just imagine how would a Human being feel if he or she were to be kept Confined in a tiny cage, with little food and later be administered lethal doses of Toxins or Disease inducing germs and later based on how the reaction is - A New Medical Formula will be obtained only for Saving The Human Species? Isn’t that Ridiculous ? Such treatments are regularly given to different types of animals like Guinea pigs, White rats, mice and other small mammals who end up paying with their lives to save Humans for no return, nor gratitude .

Animals are Better - Since they don’t keep Humans Imprisoned in Cages or in Fenced Sanctuaries and earn Revenue out of their greed. They either Kill the humans or avoid them completely.

Animals do not Plunder Forests like how Humans do for Timber, Real estate, Roads, Railways, Aerodromes, Buildings, Mining, Agriculture and other Ecological Disrupting mechanisms. Animals are always Naturally compatible and do not Alter Global Climate & Weather change like humans.

Animals also do not Pollute Water Resources like Streams, Lakes, Rivers, Estuaries, Seas, Oceans but they can help to keep them clean like Fishes and Crocodiles which act as Carrion eaters & eat away Dead Animals and also micro and macro organisms which can cause Water Pollution and decay. Human beings discharge their Waste as well as Chemicals, Industrial Effluents, Hot Water, Nuclear Wastes, Solid materials, and every possible Pollutant into Drinking water which will have to be Recycled after many processes or Purified extensively to be able to make it Fit again for consumption

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