How are Aurora Borealis formed?
Our sun is 93 million miles away. But its effects extend far beyond its visible surface. Great storms on the sun send gusts of charged solar particles hurtling across space. If Earth is in the path of the particle stream, our planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere react.
When the charged particles from the sun strike atoms and molecules in Earth’s atmosphere, they excite those atoms, causing them to light up. Electricity is used to excite the atoms in the neon gas within the glass tubes of a neon sign. That’s why these signs give off their brilliant colors. The aurora works on the same principle – but at a far more vast scale. The aurora often appears as curtains of lights
when the charge particles from the sun strikes atoms atmosphere,they cause electrons in atoms to move to the higher-energy state.when the lower energy state,they release light. this process creates the Aurora broealis.