How are broken rocks fragments humus and water in the soil useful
The broken rock particles and humus contain Bacteria, fungi, lichens and other insects which help to add nutrients to the soil along with water.
The bacteria, fungi, and lichens live in the broken fragments of the rock particles. When they die they add to the fertility of the soil.
Water is essential to all life at some point, and water contains the richest ecosystems. Humus contains dead organic matter, combined with the water, bacteria, protozoa, fungus, and some insects thrive. The fungus and insects break down dead matter directly and also supply their dead matter and waste to the soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria break down the matter even more and supply ammonium to plants. Other bacteria also break down the matter and supply other minerals. Broken rock fragments give shelter to underground organisms and have gaps for breathing, growing, and moving, which is also important for plant roots. There is a bacteria species that produce B12, but it is being killed by industrial chemicals such as pesticides, chlorine, and detergents. Humans used to eat plants without washing them in the past, so the vitamin could enter. Now, it is only available through animals because they ingest it, or through supplements. The ecosystem and balance is very complex, this is just a summary.