English, asked by teddybaby6968, 11 months ago

How are dynamic characters different from static characters?


Answered by sujan728

A static character is one which doesn't undergo any significant change in character, personality or perspective over the course of the story

A dynamic character undergoes a major transition in one or more of these ways.

Answered by alyankhan238



Explanation: a) Sydney Carton is an excellent example of a dynamic character because he changes from a drunken man with no compassion for anyone to a very compassionate person.

b) Gaspard  is an example of a static character in A Tale of Two Cities.

Gaspard is the father of a child who was run over by the Marquis. He was enraged when this happened, but the Marquis didn't care. Later he went to the Marquis' home and stabbed him to death.

c) Jarvis Lorry - Male - Static and Flat character - Mr. Lorry is an old English banker whom travelled to France to Tellson's Bank. There he met Lucie, whom he helped find her father, Dr. Manette. Throughout the book he aids them and keeps them company with his opinions and advice

d) Lucie Manette - Female - Dynamic and Round character - Lucie is the daughter of Dr. Manette. At the beginning of the book she is frail and worried about her father.  When she marries Darnay, she is happier and so is her father

e) Dr. Manette - Male - Round and Dynamic character - Dr. Manette is a French man who was in prison for years, which caused him to become almost insane. Seeing his daughter again brought him back, and she is his anchor. From time to time, he gets stressed and goes back to being slightly insane, wanting to build shoes instead of being responsible.

f) Miss Pross - Female - Flat and Dynamic character -  Miss Pross is Lucie's nurse, as well as her housekeeper. She defends Lucie throughout the book and is always loyal to her. At the end of the story, Miss Pross is more defensive for herself and the amount she cares for Lucie has increased enough for her to kill Mrs. Defarge to protect Lucie.

g) The Defarges - Mrs. Defarge is Round and Dynamic - Mr. Defarge is Round and Static - The Defarges are a married couple whom own a wine shop in France. They are fighting for the peasants in the French Revolution. Miss Defarge keeps a code for Mr. Defarge by knitting. She remembers the code very well, and Mr. Defarge knows she will always know it.

h) Charles Darnay - Male - Dynamic and Round character - Charles Darnay is the nephew of a French noble, the Marquis. He gave his inherited money to his servants and left France to go to England. There he met Lucie. He asked Dr. Manette if he could marry Lucie, to which he said yes. Lucie and Charles both love and care about eachother, as well as their daughter, Little Lucie.

i) Marquis - Male - Flat and Static character - The Marquis is the uncle of Charles Darnay. He does not care for other people, such as commoners, and he is disappointed in his nephew for giving up the money to his servants

j) John Barsad - Male - Static and Flat character - John Barsad is a spy for Mr. Defarge. His real name is Solomon, and he was one of the five "Jacques". They were all spies for the Defarges. John Barsad is the brother of Miss Pross.

k) Gabelle - Male - Static and Flat character - Gabelle is the manager of the Marquis' estate. He is going to be falsely excecuted by the Patriots of France and begs Darnay to save him.

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