How are electrode potential measured ?
(40 words)
In order to avoid false or irreproducible results you should only measure the emf (without current flow) of an electrochemical cell completed with a typical reference electrode in a solution which contains an Ion which can pass the phase boundary to your composite electrode. Without any charge transfer species you will not get a reproducible emf. For serious data a potentiostat is a must. Drawing current through a reference electrode may damage it. But without using a difficult to polarize reference electrode it is not clear at which electrode which potential drop is created during current flowing through the electrochemical cell.
It is measured with the help of a reference electrode known as the standard hydrogen electrode (abbreviated to SHE). The electrode potential of SHE is 0 Volts. The standard electrode potential of an electrode can be measured by pairing it with the SHE and measuring the cell potential of the resulting galvanic cell.