How are ethics and moral values essential for success in life?
Ethics and moral values are essential for success in life. In order to achieve success one really needs to have considerable strength of character. This strength can’t be achieved without rigorous ethics and moral values. Ethics and values are the hallmark of character. Character cannot be conceived of without them. The way there can be no light without the sun, similarly, there can be no character without ethics and values.
All great men and women of all times and in all climes have been role models of character for all of us. Each one of them stood for certain values. These icons of success embodied in themselves values that form a real character. They were men and women who displayed unparalleled perseverance, dedication, single-minded focus, and commitment. They were hard workers, who courted success with their heart, body, mind, and soul. Success made them go through many painful ordeals before she consented to them. Abraham Lincoln developed values and character before he became successful! Nor did Helen Keller indulge in any meanness! Her mantra was 'Practice. Practice. Practice. And practice.' Similarly Einstein, Addison, Shakespeare, Gandhi, Mandela, Booker T Washington, etc, all became successful through their efforts and lofty ideals.