Biology, asked by suyqsj9291, 1 year ago

How are grains stored in godown


Answered by vijaygagare



The main objectives of the scheme include creation of scientific storage capacity with allied facilities in rural areas to meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce, processed farm produce, consumer articles and agricultural inputs; promotion of grading, standardization and quality control of agricultural produce to improve their marketability; prevention of distress sale immediately after harvest by providing the facility of pledge financing and marketing credit; strengthening agricultural marketing infrastructure in the country by paving way for the introduction of a national system of warehouse receipts in respect of agricultural commodities stored in such godowns and to reverse the declining trend of investment in agriculture sector by encouraging private and cooperative sector to invest in the creation of storage infrastructure in the country.  

Salient features

The project for construction of rural godowns can be taken up by individuals, farmers, group of farmers/Growers, Partnership/ Proprietary firms, Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s), Self Help Groups(SHGs), Companies, Corporations, Co-operatives, Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees, Marketing Boards and Agro Processing Corporations in the entire country. Assistance for renovation/ expansion of rural godowns will however, be restricted to the godowns constructed by cooperatives only.


Individual farmers for storing Agricultural produce, Entrepreneurs and groups of persons engaged in storing and marketing of Agricultural commodities will be financed under the scheme for establishment of Rural Godowns. Persons who are engaged in storing of Agricultural produce with an idea of hoarding will not be considered under the scheme. Loans under tie up arrangements with Food Corporation of India (FCI), State Ware Housing Corporations (SWCs) and reputed corporations with suitable tripartite agreements will also be considered under the scheme.


Rural areas as per the definition of NABARD are to be included under the scheme provided there is sufficient production and availability of potentiality. The structure shall be located on a well-drained site not liable to flooding or inundations and it shall be away from a place likely to be affected by seepage water.


Godowns with capacity up to a maximum of 10000 MT capacities will be financed under the scheme.

Answered by 211244

Answer:Grains are stored in godown in jute bags or  metallic bins.dried neem leaves are used for storing food grains at home and for storing in large quantities of grains in big godown specific chemicals treatments are required to protect them from pests and microorganisms



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