Biology, asked by beautysahajpg, 1 year ago

How are male and female pronuclei developed


Answered by suryakipooja

The female pronucleus is thefemale egg cell once it has become a haploid cell, and the male pronucleus forms when the sperm enters into the female egg. While the sperm develops inside of the maletestes, the sperm does not become apronucleus until it decondenses quickly inside of the female egg

Answered by AaravpandeyAV1306


Formation. The female pronucleus is the female egg cell once it has become a haploid cell, and the male pronucleus forms when the sperm enters into the female egg. While the sperm develops inside of the male testes, the sperm does not become a pronucleus until it decondenses quickly inside of the female egg.

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