Social Sciences, asked by silvani0yadam, 1 year ago

How are resources conserved???


Answered by trivediankita
To conserve natural resources, consider the resources that are within control. Natural gas is used in heating buildings and water. One could reduce natural gas consumption by limiting hot water use or keeping the temperature of their home cooler in the winter. Investing in a hybrid car is an economically beneficial and environmentally sound way to conserve oil and gas. Appliances use energy when they are plugged in, even when not in use. Be sure to unplug and power off all electronics when not in use. Replace old light bulbs with new energy-efficient light bulbs. By switching to reusable grocery bags instead of paper or plastic, forests are conserved in addition to the fuel conserved that would have been used in the manufacturing. Conservation is a lifestyle change that requires long-term commitment, but the efforts can be small yet still effective
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