How are sol ,solution and suspension different from each other
sollution is homogeneous, suspension is heterogeneous and sol seems to be him homogenous but is heterogeneous. size of solution is less than 1 nanometre, suspension is more than hundred nanometre ,size of sol is more than one nanometre but less than.
hundred nanometre.
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Sol(Colloidal solution)
1.They are heterogeneous in nature
1.They are homogeneous in nature
1.They are heterogeneous in nature
2. They scatter a beam of light and hence show Tyndall effect.
2. They do not scatter a beam of light and hence do not show Tyndall effect.
2. They do not scatter a beam of light and hence do not showTyndall effect.
3. They are quite stable
3. They are very stable
3. They are unstable
4. Examples of sol are: milk, blood smoke etc.
4. Examples of solution are: salt in water, sugar in water.
4. Examples of suspension are: sand in water, dusty air