English, asked by cric4569, 10 months ago

how are the attitude of the two races toward their ancestors different from each other in chief Seattle speech​


Answered by KomalSrinivas

Answer: There was a lot of difference in the attitude of 2 different races of ancestors especially in the way by which they see the things.

After the death of their ancestors the white people just burry the body of their ancestor and go away from that burial ground. On the other hand Red Indians lives at that place and love their land and respect their ancestors with the thought that their ancestors will bless them when they will go to heaven.


Answered by aayush829027

In Chief Seattle’s speech of 1854, he states that the American white people and the Red Indians are two distinct races. Seattle himself gives examples to prove his statement.

The native people of America live closer to nature than the white people. They love the beautiful aspects of nature and understand the importance of maintaining it.

To the native people, the ashes of their ancestors are sacred and they visit their resting ground to show their respect for them. But, as Seattle complains, the White people have no feelings for their ancestors. They wander far from their graves without any regret.

Again, the white people don’t seem to love this world anymore after they die. So they never visit their people and places again. But, the tribal people never forget “this beautiful world that gave them being” and continue to visit their loved ones to guide, console and comfort them.

As for destinies, the white people have received all the love and care of God. The tribal people have been deprived of the love, guidance and protection of God and finally, come to their meagre existence.

So, there is very little in common between the two races. That is why Seattle feels that they cannot be brothers.

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