how are the fats digested in our body where does this process take place
Fats are digested in the small intestine. The secretion of liver, called bile, breaks down the large globules of fat into smaller globules. This is called emulsification of fats. The bile also makes the medium alkaline so that the pancreatic enzyme containing lipase further digest fats to form fatty acids
hi. the breaking down of fats is a very complex process.
Fats are broken down in small intestine more specifically in duodenum..
Here the bile from liver breaks down fat in small globules .this process is called as emulsification of fats.Bile also makes the medium alkaline so that lipase can act on fat globules to break them into fatty acid and glycerol.However the final digestion takes place in the ilium where the fats are completely broken to form fatty acids and glucerols.