How are the following formed?
a) Beaches b) Sand dunes
c) Waterfalls
d) Deltas
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b sand dunes
a) Abeach forms when waves deposit sand and gravel along the shoreline.
b)A dune is a mound of sand this is formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert.
c)Waterfall formation is based around the basic principle that there is a watercourse (realize that water is an erosive agent) traversing over different layers of rock each with different rates of erosion. In other words, you have a river or stream flowing over hard rock (where erosion is slow) and also flowing over soft rock (where erosion is more rapid).
The Waitavala Water Slide in Fiji is an example of a waterfall in the
d)Deltas are land forms created at or near the mouths of rivers. They are caused by sediment, typically silt, that is eroded into a river and carried to its mouth, where the sediment is deposited.