How are the Oasis of Al-Ain and the Oasis of Liwa important for the people, the ecosystem and the economy of the UAE?
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Oasis of Al-Ain and the Oasis of Liwa important for the people, the ecosystem and the economy of the UAE
- The Oasis of Liwa is a large oasis in the western Emirate region of Abu Dhabi in the UAE. Date agriculture is a major traditional industry in the economy. Drop irrigation and greenhouses are widely used. Tourism is has become increasingly significant
- The Al ain Oasis is the historic oasis sprawls across 3,000-acre and provides a unique insight into the region's inhabitants. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011 the Oasis Al Ain is now open to the public due to the development of an Eco-center for Education and a large network of shaded roads that stretch through some 147 000 date palms. The site has up to 100 different forms of vegetation covering the spectacular oasis with widespread plantations which are also working farms.
- To the inhabitants of the UAE the Al Ain and Liwa oasis are very significant. For the people, it is the primary source of water. The people used oasis water for irrigation and agriculture and oasis even protect people. Besides, oasis is a primary source of portable drinking water
- It is also really important for the environment as all animals need water, particularly camels and goats, which help the people move around, and also give them milk. It has also been used for watering different plants, in particular the palm date tree.
- Because oasis water provided water to virtually every part, the economy also had a significant effect. Water from the oasis was used for irrigation and the cultivation of date palm which is the major revenue source for people. They market and receive money from dates and other vegetables and often tables and baskets from the palm date trunk are made that they market and therefore gain revenue.
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The oasis provides irrigation, trade, residence and tourism activities.
- Al-Ain Oasis is the largest oasis in the city and s found within the eastern region of the eastern Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
- This oasis is an underground irrigation system and uses the bore well water to irrigates the palm trees and it dates back to thousands of years old method. Thus the method is widely used in Oman, Iran, and other nations.
- The Liwa Oasis is found in the western parts of emirates its about 97 km from the southern Persian Gulf coast and most of the water used for irrigation is used in palm dating.
- The widespread use of the drip irrigation system and greenhouse which attracts visitors and this oasis has been the birthplace of many ruling families.
Learn more about the Oasis of Al-Ain and the Oasis of Liwa important for the people, the ecosystem and the economy.
- answered by Siddharth773081.
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