Economy, asked by nolinatimlumkazi, 3 months ago

how are unemployed figures obtained​


Answered by binibijoabiyaaaron


The Unemployment Rate for a month is calculated using the following formula: ... The total estimated unemployed persons and labour force, is the summation of the estimated unemployed persons and labour force from each of the 49 strata, respectively.

Answered by ashmitha6384


See the explanation given below

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The monthly unemployment rate is computed at India and at the State level, and for urban India and for rural India. The survey design for estimation of monthly unemployment rate for India is based on the existence of 49 strata. The population is stratified at the State level and region-wise (rural & urban). Each of the 25 States sampled in our survey is further classified into Rural and Urban regions. Chandigarh comprises only of the Urban stratum. Thus, we have a total of 49 strata.

In computing the unemployment rate for a month, we consider all the households in the sampling frame for the month. The weight assigned to every member of the surveyed household, is calculated as a ratio of the estimated population to the sample population for that month. For towns, it is the ratio of estimated population (>= 15 years) in the urban region of a State at the end of the month to sample population (>= 15 years) of the urban region of the State in the month. And for villages, it is the ratio of estimated population (>= 15 years) in the rural region of a State at the end of the month to sample population (>= 15 years) of the rural region of the State at the end of the month.

Estimated population of members (>= 15 years) in urban region of a State in a month is calculated for the last day of the month. This is done by using the Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CARG) on the Census 2001-Census 2011 data for the urban population of the State, compounded on a daily basis. Similarly, estimated population of members (>= 15 years) in rural region of a State in a month is calculated for the last day of the month. This is done by using the Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CARG) on the Census 2001-Census 2011 data for the rural population of the State, compounded on a daily basis.

Sample members (>= 15 years) in urban region of a State in a month are members (>= 15 years) of all the urban households that were scheduled to be surveyed in a month. And sample members (>= 15 years) in rural region of a State in a month are members (>= 15 years) of all the rural households that were scheduled to be surveyed in a month.

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