Biology, asked by stu2646, 1 month ago

How are we humans are on the earth ?


Answered by dhruv0070
Because of god it’s his will
Answered by Galaxypurple

Answer:(sry about the really long answer)

There are 2 possible reasons God or scientific Explanations

scientific explanation:

Hydrothermal vents are chemical hot springs near fault lines on the ocean floor.  Scientists suspect that deep hot vents like these might have seeded life on Earth about 4 billion years ago. Some hydrothermal vents release alkaline fluids, which could supply the energy needed to build complex organic molecules. Some scientists estimate that 'life' began on our planet as early as four billion years ago. And the first living things were simple, single-celled, micro-organisms called prokaryotes. It seems possible that the origin of life on the Earth's surface could have been first prevented by an enormous flux of impacting comets and asteroids, then a much less intense rain of comets may have deposited the very materials that allowed life to form some 3.5 - 3.8 billion years ago. It is likely that eukaryotic cells, of which humans are made, evolved from bacteria about two billion years ago. One theory is that eukaryotic cells evolved via a symbiotic relationship between two independent prokaryotic bacteria. ... As conditions became more favorable, more complex organisms began to evolve. 5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids

God's Explanation:

God had created mankind at his own will first man was named Adam and and started to feel lonely so god made him sleep to 1 rib sealed his flesh and made a woman and Adam called her Eve. There was a cunning serpent in the garden God gave them 1 rule that is not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge and life. serpent convinced eve to eat it and convinced Adam to try it too. when they ate it they realized their naked state and covered them selves with leaves Then next day god asked if they ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. they sadly said yes god punished them by banishing them from the garden and said they would 1 day die and turn to dust again he sent a firey sword to guard the entrance and punished the serpent by making him crawl on his belly for the rest of his life god said to eve she would have kids but it would be painful and said they would have to grow their own crops to eat.

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