English, asked by cinderella4, 1 year ago

how best can the youngsters can help to save and protect the environment
what is their role in this
how can they do it
pls answer it fast
I will definitely mark u as the brainliest
I promise
make it fast
it should be like an essay


Answered by Anonymous
1.We should save drinking water. Water is a precious component of our environment. It should never be wasted.

2. We should never pollute water. Efforts should be made in making significant reduction in both domestic and industrial disposal in water bodies.

3. As far as practicable, the waste products should be recycled to make new items. The domestic and industrial garbage should be segregated as recyclable and non-recyclable before being dumped.

4. There should be a zero tolerance policy towards deforestation. Each one of us can contribute towards saving the environment by planting just one tree every-month.

5. We can make donations to NGOs that are engaged in planting trees, or in any-way working towards saving the environment.

6. Safer environmental friendly car and vehicles should be used. For short distances, people should be encouraged to use bicycle in place of motor based vehicles.

7. The use of environment unfriendly materials such as plastic should be discouraged.

8. Instead of dumping domestic garbage in the pond, lake or river, these should

9. A lot of environmental problems would disappear if we stop using petroleum, coal and natural gas as raw-materials for power generation. The focus should entirely shift on renewable sources of energy. The use of renewable sources of energy (example solar energy) would help saving the environment from global warming

Answered by safiasaheb
there are a lot of things as youth we can work for the protection of our environment. our first step towards the betterment of the environment is first learn the basics of the working of the nature. from this i mean that we should know what are the requirements of the plant for its healthy growth. knowing this we have to provide that environment to the plant. we also need to know how trees influence the human life. grasping all of this information we need to make sure that our society is also aware of this fact. as youngsters we can create awareness among the other youth in the society. we can find empty plots of land so as to increase the greenary of that area.

hope this much will do.
plz mark this as the brainliest answer! 
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