How calculate self degradation rate of lead acid battery?
You'd need to tell us far more about what you had done - acid molarity plate compositions (calcium lead or ...), plate construction and "rather more"
What do you know? Why are you doing this? What are you trying to achieve? Other?
Given that lead-sulphuric chemistry is very well known and is very likely the optimum one available using lead (or the industry would be hieng after summat else)
There is no doubt that you will get some sort of battery in each case, but as the capacity you achieve will be lower at best and probably much lower, then a long self discharge life may not return a better net capacity that a standard lead acid battery for at least 12 months. Af
The self-discharge of all battery chemistries increases at higher temperature, and the rate typically doubles with every 10°C (18°F).
Self-discharge as a function of time.
Battery system Estimated self-discharge
Lead-acid 5% per month
Nickel-based 10–15% in 24h, then 10-15% per month