How call seasonal meeting if president is absent in lok sabha?
Looksabh speaker preside the session of the Looksabh if Looksabh speaker will be absent then wise chairman will preside the session.
In our constitution there is mentioned that looksabh speaker is the guardian of power and privilege of the members and the rule of the procedure and conduct of business of looksabh under her power.
He or she maintain the decorum in the house to conducting business and regulating it's proceding.
Looksabh speakers act as the ex-officio chairman of the Indian parliamentary group
Speaker will bill is money bill or not and her decision is the final authority
They can adjourn the house or suspend the house
Speaker doesn't cast her vote in first round if it will be tie the he cast her vote
Speaker presides the joint settings of the 2 house parliament
I hope this will help you
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