English, asked by rizzkhan2000, 3 months ago

How can a child be a means of peace?​


Answered by Anonymous


How can a child be a means of peace?

verified answer:-

  • Emily, 8: “Calmness
  • Noemi, 8: “Peace means that everything is relaxing and calm.”
  • Emily, 10: “Quiet and relaxed
  • Violet, 10: “When people are calm, kind, peaceful, and respectful
  • Jacqueline, 7: “Love.
  • Takumi, 7: “When I think of peace, I think of T.R.A.C.K.: Tolerance, Respect, Appreciate, Care, and Kindness

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What is peace for preschoolers?

Peace is a time without any fights or wars. In a larger sense, peace (or peacefulness) can mean a state of harmony, quiet or calm that is not disturbed by anything at all, like a still pond with no ripples. Many people and organizations want peace.

How do you explain peace?

It is the primary dictionary definition. Peace, however, is also seen as concord, or harmony and tranquility. It is viewed as peace of mind or serenity, especially in the East. It is defined as a state of law or civil government, a state of justice or goodness, a balance or equilibrium of Powers.

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