How can a person maintain a healthy body image? What forces work to make people feel bad about their body images?
1. Healthy body image is how an individual sees their own body and how attractive they feel themselves to be.
2. Many people have too many concerns about their body image.
3. These concerns are about their weight, skin, hair, or the shape or size of a certain body part.
4. The way to maintain a healthy body image is to:
a) Promote physical activity.
b) Participating in sports and other physical activities.
c) Particularly those that don't emphasize a particular weight or body shape — can help promote good self-esteem and a positive body image.
d) Encourage positive friendships. Friends who accept and support your teen can be a healthy influence.
e) Healthy body image can also be maintained through good nutrition, regular exercise, emotional control, and good mental health.
6. The forces that work to make people feel bad about their body images are:
a) Low self-esteem,
b) Physical inactivity,
c) Poor diet, and
d) Psychological problems, etc.