How can deepening of the river bed help in preventing soil erosion?
A river bed is the base like floor and water flows over it. If we deepen the river bed. it will help in preventing soil erosion because one of the reasons for soil erosion is water when overflows from rivers. Deepening the river bed mean river can store more water due to more depth. Chances of water overflows decreases that ultimately will keep water within the banks of the river and soil erosion will be saved.
Deepening of the river bed of the channel reduces the area of gravels by smothering.
Normally, the Riverbed deepening will lower the groundwater table along a river and it is mainly related to erosion of riverbanks and the banks of the Colorado below Hoover.
For example, In the ancient times the Nile's silt has been mainly regarded with awe accroding to the soil scientist Daniel J.