how can gallium and mercury (being liquid metals) be beaten into sheets?
The existence ef two metalli c elements whic h under ordinary con-
ditions are both liquid presented itself as good grounds for the inves
tigation of mutual solubilities . A search through the literature
indicated that little is know n concerning solubilities in this system .
There hav e bee n some data published on the solubility of gallium in
mercur y bu t essentially none on the solubility of mercur y in gallium .
Ramsay* , in conjunction wit h his determinations of the molecular
weight s of metals , mixed gallium and mercur y and stated that the gal-
lium dissolved readily i n the mercury . However, Puschin, Stepanovic
and Stajic , after a more careful investigation found that the mutua l
solubility of mercur y and gallium wa s only ver y slight . These authors
gave no numerical results . Gilfalla n and Bent attempted to determine
the solubility of mercur y in gallium b y mean s of freezing poin t lower-
ing. Their results indicated that the solubilit y wa s immeasurably small .