How can i create my own website on google?
Creating webpage
Here is how can you create your webpage
You can create your webpage by so many ways: 1) By programming 2) Without programming
<TITLE> webpage in html <TITLE/>
By programming you have to write all scripts, codes in text editor and you have to publish it. This method is hard nowadays. Because today's people don't want to do programming.
1) By this you can create high and advanced web page
2) This can be edit in simple way
Without programming - It is just like making blog or wordpress. There are so many websites by which we can create our stunning websites easily without programming. This all are free but only we have to pay for domain name.
1) You can't create advanced websites by this
2) If you have to edit your website then you have to sign in
Wix is becaming so popular in making websites. Youtuber are sponsoring it. with the help of wix you can create some awesome websites.