Computer Science, asked by aldakheel, 10 months ago

How can I do a Flowchart for "Compute and print and employee's salary given the hours worked and the hourly rate"


Answered by xiso60


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

//Function prototypes

void printDescription();

void computePaycheck(float, int, float&);

int main()


float payRate;

float grossPay;

int hours;

cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;

cout << "Welcome to the Pay Roll Program" << endl;

printDescription(); //Call to Description function

cout << "Please input the pay per hour: ";

cin >> payRate;

cout << endl << "Please input the number of hours worked: ";

cin >> hours;

cout << endl << endl;


cout << "The gross pay is $" << grossPay << endl;//  Fill in the code to output grosspay

cout << "We hoped you enjoyed this program" << endl;

return 0;


//   ********************************************************************

//                         printDescription


//   task:     This function prints a program description


//   ********************************************************************

void printDescription() //The function heading


   cout << "************************************************"  << endl << endl;

   cout << "This program takes two numbers (pay rate & hours)" << endl;

cout << "and  multiplies them to get gross pay "            << endl;

cout << "************************************************"  << endl << endl;


//  *********************************************************************

//                        computePaycheck


//   task:     This function takes rate and time and multiples them to

//             get gross pay.

//   data in:  pay rate and time in hours worked

//   data out: the gross


//   ********************************************************************

void computePaycheck(float rate, int time, float& gross)


gross = rate * time; //  Fill in the code to calculate grosspay




Please input the pay per hour: 10

Please input the number of hours worked: 8

The grossPay is $80.00

hoped you enjoyed this program

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