How can I gain this rank one by one..
● Beginner
● Apprentice
● Rising Star
● Helping Hand
● Ambitious
● Virtuoso
● Expert
● Ace
● Genius
Note- Right about all given ranks + how can I gain this..
Don't Spam..!
How can I gain this rank one by one..
● Beginner
● Apprentice
● Rising Star
● Helping Hand
● Ambitious
● Virtuoso
● Expert
● Ace
● Genius
Beginner rank- When u make any account first then u jave "helping rank" then if ur points are decreasing then u will get "Beginner rank"
Apprentice- same process "When u make any account first then u jave "helping rank" then if ur points are decreasing then u will get "Apprentice"
Rising star- Same process "When u make any account first then u jave "helping rank" then if ur points are decreasing then u will get "Rising star"
Helping hand- After gaining 100 points u will gain "Helping hand"
Ambitious- After gaining 250 points u will gain "Ambitious".
Virtuoso- After gaining 500 points u will gain "Virtuoso".
Expert- you can become expert by earning 1000 points and 10 brainliest answer.
Ace- After gain 3000 points and 15 brainlist answers u will gain "Ace".
Genius- Aftee gain 15000 points and 50 brainlist answers u will gain "Genius".
new user who has still time to prove themselves
A brainly Apprentice has been on the site for a few days or week and is learning a lot from their peers. they are moving up the rank quickly now and will soon be a rising star . their ambition will inspire you to answer more questions and bump up your rank to .
70 points needed
rising star is one of the fastest mover on brainly
determined to reach the rank of expert or above talented and laser focused . rising star trustworthy answers who are quick to land their skills to the brainly community.
85 points needed
this rank is assigned to people starting the adventure with us waiting to help others seeing someone with this rank you should think about user who will answer your question with a smile on their face .
100 points needed
if you need help from someone reliable someone who has already helped many people then you can expect all the best from such users.
250 points needed
only users who stand out, who in addition to Hai activity has also excellent reviews and openion of other users , can obtained this rank .
500 points needed
5 brainliest
A perfect user verified by others . the provider of highest quality of answer
1000 points
10 brainliest
if from an expert you are already expert a lot, just think what Ace to offer this users are constantly active and have been with us for many months .
this should speak for itself
3000 points
15 brainliest
users who have been helping for many, many months conscientious active and they have been with us for many months you can expect the best of the best answer from such users .
50 brainliest