English, asked by 9710, 1 year ago

How can I get brainliest answers


Answered by dhathri123
hi Friend,

keep answering the questions.... then some of them can be marked as the brainliest if the user who asked that question likes ur answer and if he/she marks it as the brainliest

I hope this will help u ;)

9710: Thnd
9710: *thnx
dhathri123: u r welcome :)
Answered by ImRitz
Brainliest answer

The brainliest answer depends on the user who have asked the question. To get brainliest answer, you need to provide such answers which the user likes.

If you give perfect, correct and good answer to the user who have asked the question, he/she will surely select your answer as brainliest because brainliest answer is the answer which a user found to be the most helpful they received.

9710: Thank you
ImRitz: Welcome :)
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