How can i get good grades? I nedd super answer to inspire me please. Write 100 words about getting awesome grades Contact quality answer please.
Answered by
Some points which must be followed by you:-
(1) Study at regular time.
(2) Make a regular time table for every subject and follow regularly.
(3) Reduce your playing and Using of mobile time and Watching TV.
(4) Listen attentively in class .
(5) Make your own notes of different chapters and subjects.
(6) Maths need regular practice.

→ During exams, as soon as you get the paper. Draw lines on both sides.
* L.H.S. for writing question/answer number and R.H.S. for rough work.
→ Leave two lines after each answer.
* Because examiner can easily understand that where your answer is complete and from where the another answer start.
→ Don't decorate the sheet to much.
* it wastes your time only.
* Also no marks for decorating your sheet.
→ Whatever is asked in the question only write about that. Don't write everything about that topic.
* Because writing everything about that topic instead of answering that was asked in question puts an negative impression on examiner.
→ Make sure to write in good handwriting and also make diagrams neatly.
* So, that examiner can easily understand both your answers and diagrams.
→ First of all attemp the 5 marks questions than 3, 2 and 1 marks questions.
* Because if the time of exam was getting finished than only 1 marks questions left.
→ Write answer in points instead of writing in paragraph.
* Because it helps examiner to study easily your answer.
→ Attemp those questions first whose answer you know perfectly. And mark them that you have done them.
* As it saves your time. And in last attemp those questions which are left.
→ After completing the paper check your exam sheet again.
(1) Study at regular time.
(2) Make a regular time table for every subject and follow regularly.
(3) Reduce your playing and Using of mobile time and Watching TV.
(4) Listen attentively in class .
(5) Make your own notes of different chapters and subjects.
(6) Maths need regular practice.
→ During exams, as soon as you get the paper. Draw lines on both sides.
* L.H.S. for writing question/answer number and R.H.S. for rough work.
→ Leave two lines after each answer.
* Because examiner can easily understand that where your answer is complete and from where the another answer start.
→ Don't decorate the sheet to much.
* it wastes your time only.
* Also no marks for decorating your sheet.
→ Whatever is asked in the question only write about that. Don't write everything about that topic.
* Because writing everything about that topic instead of answering that was asked in question puts an negative impression on examiner.
→ Make sure to write in good handwriting and also make diagrams neatly.
* So, that examiner can easily understand both your answers and diagrams.
→ First of all attemp the 5 marks questions than 3, 2 and 1 marks questions.
* Because if the time of exam was getting finished than only 1 marks questions left.
→ Write answer in points instead of writing in paragraph.
* Because it helps examiner to study easily your answer.
→ Attemp those questions first whose answer you know perfectly. And mark them that you have done them.
* As it saves your time. And in last attemp those questions which are left.
→ After completing the paper check your exam sheet again.
very good sister
Answered by
→ Well before answering your question. I would like to tell you some lines of Hindi poem in English.
They are like that :-
So, we have to do hard work, without hard work nothing can be achieved....
Now, coming to your question;
How to get good good grades ?
= To get good grades in exams you have to study hard as I said above.
→ Always be attentive in class. Listen carefully what the Teachers said in class. And after coming home rewind all that in your mind, that you listen in class.
→ Make a proper time table. And also take 5-10 minutes break after every subject.
Don't learn them as a burden, but learn them with heart and sincerely. As it helps you to learn easily.
If you don't want to read and learn anything then don't hold books in your hand, showing others that you are learning. Because it waste your time only. So, instead of doing that you can go outside; when you fell yourself refresh then start learning again.
→ Make sure to revise everything before going to bed, what you learn in whole day.
→ Test yourself, every week by taking your test; of what you learnt that I whole week
→ Learn the Ncert. After leaning the whole Ncert. Solve last year papers and sample papers.
I think there I nothing more points than this. If you follow all these rules sincerely, then you will get good marks in exam.
So, do hard work because there is nothing in life without hard work... As hard work is the key to success. And who ever do hard work, never fail to achieve their goals.
One more important thing

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