English, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

how can i get rid of my annoying sibling ???


Answered by Diabhatnagar67

Answer:Ask your sibling why they’re acting that way. One of the best ways to understand your sibling’s actions is just to ask them directly, in a polite voice, why they’re doing whatever they’re doing. While their reason might not be a good excuse for annoying you, it may help you find a way to resolve the issue.

For instance, if you’re trying to read and your little sister is jumping on your bed or saying your name over and over, you might put down your book and say, “Why are you doing that?”

In some cases, your sibling may be annoying you to get your attention. If you overreact to what they’re doing, you’ll be reinforcing the idea that acting out will get you to pay attention to them. Instead, you might try to include them in whatever you’re doing.

Sometimes, your sibling might be snappy or irritable because they’re feeling nervous or scared about something. Wait until they’re calm, then say something like, “Hey, I feel like something is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?” Talking to you might make them feel better, so they might be nicer to you in the future.


Tell your sibling how they’re making you feel. Sometimes, your sibling may not realize how annoying their behavior actually is. Whether something is hurting your feelings or is just really aggravating, it’s important for you to calmly express how you feel. In some cases, that might be enough to get your sibling to stop what they’re doing.[2]

For instance, if you’re annoyed because your brother won’t let you play with him, you might say something like, “It really hurts my feelings when you leave me out. How would you feel if I did that to you?”

If your sibling is very young, use simple, clear language in order to help them understand the situation more easily. For example, you might say, "It makes me angry when you interrupt my homework," or "I get sad when you call me names."

Keep in mind that this is definitely not a guarantee that your sibling will stop whatever they’re doing. Sometimes, they might even do something on purpose just because they know it annoys you, especially if they’re already mad at you.


Try to find a solution that makes you both happy. Once you’ve both talked about how you feel, it may be easier to resolve the issue in a way that satisfies you both. Often, you’ll need to compromise, so you might have to be willing to give in a little to keep the peace. Just remind yourself that in the long run, getting along better will make everyone happier![3]

For instance, if your sibling is bothering you because they want attention, but you need to study, meet in the middle. Tell them that if they’ll leave you alone for an hour, you’ll play whatever board game they want as soon as you’re done, for instance.

If one of your siblings constantly borrows your things without permission, you might point out a few items that they are allowed to borrow, as long as they ask first.


Walk away if you start to get upset or angry. If you decide to confront your sibling directly, it’s important not to allow the situation to escalate into a big fight. If you can feel yourself getting emotional or you feel like you're losing your temper, leave the room to spend some quiet time alone.[4]

If your sibling starts to get physically aggressive, try to avoid the urge to push or hit them back. Instead, leave the room and immediately tell a parent.

Tip: It can help to identify warning signs that your sibling is in a bad mood, such as raising their voice or getting red in the face, so you know when it’s best to avoid them.


Answered by prashantakumarmajumd


simple answer lock your room another anwser go in anothor room and lock it

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