Psychology, asked by Ravi0009, 1 year ago

how can I give answer for other decoration way??? I m new​


Answered by sanjaytiwary042


Just follow the same .

please follow me .

and make my answer brilliant.

please and like my answer


No matter how well you prepare for the exam, but if you are not able to put all your knowledge in the right way on your answer sheet then all your hard work goes in vain. Actually, it is a well observed fact that students often become nervous and anxious while sitting in the examination hall. The pressure is so overwhelming that they tend to forget what they had learned during the exam preparations. Though it is natural among all but the situation can be made easy by following a few useful tips while sitting in the examination hall and writing your paper.

Here we will take a look at some tips and strategies which will help you prepare and attempt your exam in the best possible way.

1. Make right use of additional 15 minutes

Almost all the school boards have introduced the concept of additional 15 minutes time for the board examinations before students start writing their exam. This additional time is provided for students to read the questions properly and draft a plan in their mind about how they will solve the paper correctly without getting panicked. So, students must utilise these 15 minutes very carefully to make a strategy for writing their exam smoothly and correctly.

Read these Important Tips to Utilise Additional 15 Minutes Reading time in CBSE Board Exams

2. Set the priority

preoritise exam questions

List out the questions which you are more confident about. There’s no need to write the answers in the same order as in question paper. Firstly, write those answers which you know correctly. This will help you gain confidence and will also help you spare enough time to think about the answers of other questions which are a bit blur in your mind.

Also Check: CBSE Date Sheet for Class 10th, 12th Exam 2020

3. Write brief, to the point answers

write apt answer

Read a question carefully and understand the sense of question. Try to limit your answer to the requirement and avoid writing a whole paragraph explaining something that either does not need explaining, or that has not even been asked. Keep your answers left justified.

For example: If you are asked a question “Define soil erosion”, then you are asked to write the definition of soil erosion not that its causes or effects which most of the students write in order to make their answer lengthier as they believe, ‘longer the answer the more it will score.’ But it’s an absolute absurd as the examiner only look for valid explanations, but not the stories.

10 most effective preparation tips to score more than 90% marks in board exams

4. Choose questions wisely

choose options wisely

Usually, some questions in the paper are provided with internal choices. Student has to select any one of those choices. But the tricky thing with these choices is that students often decide on instinct which question to attempt and later they regret not choosing the other question which they knew better. This happens because of haste. When it comes to you to choose the questions you want to attempt, give a careful reading to each question at least twice and then create a mental picture of what you have to write in each case. This way you will be able to evaluate your knowledge about the particular question and help you clear away any doubts.

5. Attempt all the questions

attempt all questions

We know that there is no negative marking for wrong answers in board exams. So don’t be afraid to answer the questions about which you are confused, as you have nothing to lose. Read the question very carefully. Re-read the question. Try to understand the genre of the question and what it demands. If you know the answer, then write it. If you don't, then use your brain and make a smart guess. Examiners are always looking for technical terms or appropriate keywords where they may give you marks.

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6. Don’t decorate the answer sheet

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