how can i relate science with handicraft
Although handicrafts are often advised when income-generating activities are sought for women, "feminine" crafts tend to be time consuming, give poor returns, and offer little opportunity for upgrading skills. Under some conditions handicrafts can be a means of increasing income for women, but several key issues must be considered. Before starting, the existing conditions under which women work, possibilities open to them based on traditional or easily acquired skills, as well as prospects for creating and managing the organization structure needed to support a handicrafts project should be analyzed. Traditional distinctions between women's craft work and men's craft work may need to be overcome. A thorough study of the overall economic situation, the work women already do, available materials, and existing or potential markets should be done, in most cases by experts. Links with traditional markets should be preserved while new markets are sought. Existing institutions which could help in the development of technical training, marketing, and credit should be utilized. A well motivated and competent technical staff and proper management are important elements of a successful project. Caution is necessary in developing handicrafts, because of the danger of exploitation and increae in the burdens already borne by women.