English, asked by AntraD1452, 1 year ago

How can I write a speech on mystery !


Answered by marjanhabib368

Looking at the word, what are some of the key things that come to mind:

1. Mystery of life in general- stars, planets, galaxies. Why are we here? What brings us here?

2. Mystery of a movie - the suspense which comes out in the end

3. Mystery of someone's life in particular - Subhash Chandra Bose's life ended up with a mystery

4. Mystery puzzles and murders - Sherlock Holmes stuff

5. Any personal life story which had mystery element in it, a story from childhood etc.

6. What is mystery? Why mystery is important? They say necessity is the mother of invention. Even before that, mystery is the mother of the idea of inventing something at the first place.

You can combine these factors in one or more ways and come up with a short speech on mystery.

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Rishi Kumar

Rishi Kumar

Answered Aug 17, 2015

Mystery is, not knowing the truth about some event that happened or about a person. We do not anything about the life after death and what happens after. It is a mystery still.

People like mysteries. It thrills them.  The suspense and mystery hold the persons attention, holds the heart beat, all the concentration and focus of the persons. Many serials on TV, magazines, thriller books, and cinemas do well because of the tense excitement.  

When the mystery is unfolded we relieve ourselves, we feel so happy about it. The persons who solve mysteries feel very accomplished and great about it.Mysteries are everyday lives for the police force and detectives.

We do not yet really know a lot about our Earth and Universe. It is still a mystery to us.

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