How can make my family to accept inter caste marriahe?
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Find the correct moment to talk to your parents. Avoid situations when they are tense or irritated.

Try to explain to your parents why you love your partner. List out the reasons why you love them and what made you fall for them in the first place, even though it may sound like a business proposal.

Search for marriages in your family which are intercaste or unconventional and were successful. Use them as examples to prove your point.

Gain support. Get some people (like your married cousins) to support you when talking about your marriage.

Ask them to meet your future partner and then decide without any pressure.You should also ask them to not to be biased.

Try to keep your parents away from relatives or people who are against intercaste marriage.

Tell them that marriage is all about a little bit of compromise and sacrifice, and that the two of you don't have any problem in doing the same. No marriage is without compromise.

Never pressure them by saying that you will move out with your partner.This would create more hatred towards your relationship.

Try to get at least one of your parents on your side. However, try not to cause a rift between them on this topic since they will attribute that to you and your partner.

Do not beg or plead. Try doing it with dignity. And do not get into fights or yelling matches with them on this topic, since it will make you seem immature and unworthy of their consideration of your love.

If nothing else works, tell them firmly and politely that this is the person you have chosen for yourself and they should try to accept it because at the end of the day it is your life that is at stake.If they don't respect your decision, don't let them drag you down!
whats your age
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