History, asked by supfast0708, 10 months ago

How can one write an objective historical account


Answered by luvverma19766


No one can be completely objective. We all have opinions, beliefs, bias. They play into how we regard and present a subject. However, there are steps to enhance objectivity.

Truth. Seek it – even if it goes against your beliefs and bias. Truth is illusive. Make it your objective.

Always get all sides. This is important. It will show you where you might be wrong and therefore strengthen your objectivity. Make sure you find and give fair presentation to the other side, even if you disagree. You can give weight to one side or other as long as support that weight with proper argument.

Follow leads to their end, not just to where you wanted them to lead. They might give you a new perspective closer to the truth. Keep an open mind.

Listen. I try to tape any interview and then transcribe. You would be surprised at how much is missed by the ear. This will give you information you otherwise would miss and thus increase truth.

Don’t rely solely on the internet for information. It is a quick and useful aid but often, especially in history, only a beginning. The internet is new. It doesn’t have all information and what it does have can be wrong. Wikipedia, for instance, is ruled by others with opinions, beliefs and bias - sometimes with little knowledge of the past. These controllers determine what information you get. They are not always right. Libraries are still important repositories of information, especially those specific to your subject. Much of what they contain may not be on the internet.

Always, if you can, go to the source. By that I mean the people, place or thing closest to your subject; i.e. the subject itself. Then those other than the subject closest to it. The further away from the source, the greater the chance for misinformation. Hearsay is not good enough. Seek and you shall find - most of the time.

If you do all this and research hard, you will enhance objectivity.

I hope this will do for the question :-)

Answered by yumnBTSarmy


To kep your writing objective, try to follow these tips:-

  • Be specific instead of vague or general.
  • Do not use opinionated, prejudiced or exclusive language.
  • Avoid using first person to keep it more professional and less about you.
  • Try not to over exaggerate your writing.

hope it helps you mark as brainliest and thank it also.

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