How can students become a part of the assessment and evaluation process? Explain with examples.
Student assessment is essential to measure the progress and performance of individual
students, plan further steps for the improvement of teaching and learning, and share
information with relevant stakeholders.the approaches that
countries take to assess individual students. Building on a discussion of impact, drivers
and contextual developments, it discusses the governance of student assessment systems,
assessment procedures and instruments, capacities needed for effective student
assessment and the use of assessment results for different purposes. The chapter
concludes with a set of pointers for policy development. student assessment within the evaluation and
assessment framework. It focuses on how student assessment influences the learning
experience of individual students and considers both summative assessment (assessment
of learning) and formative assessment (assessment for learning) of students. The chapter
does not cover the use of aggregated student assessment results to make judgements about
the performance of teachers, schools and education systems, because these issues will be
addressed in the following chapters.1
Assessment is a process that helps focus attention towards what matters most in
education, beyond just access and participation: the actual learning outcomes of each
student. Gathering information on where students stand in their learning and the progress
that they have made is key to designing strategies for the further improvement of teaching
and learning. Sharing such information with stakeholders across the education system is
essential to meet information needs and support decision making at the classroom, school
and education system level. Student assessment refers to processes in which evidence of learning is collected in a
planned and systematic way in order to make a judgement about student learning (EPPI,
2002). It encompasses summative and formative purposes, and may be designed and
implemented internally within the school or externally through standardised assessments. Student summative assessment, or assessment of learning, aims to summarise
learning that has taken place, in order to record, mark or certify achievements
(EPPI, 2002).
• Student formative assessment, or assessment for learning, aims to identify
aspects of learning as it is developing in order to deepen and shape subsequent
• Diagnostic assessment is one type of formative assessment, which often takes
place at the beginning of a study unit in order to find a starting point, or baseline,
for learning and to develop a suitable learning programme