how can we achieve democracy in true sense
Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.
What are your ideas for digitalization of democracy to achieve participatory democracy in a true sense?
Digitalization of democracy to establish participatory democracy in true sense:
I strongly feel companies like Facebook,
Google, Microsoft etc have ability to make participatory democracy a reality.
Advancements in connectivity, cheap computing power, ability to build software services for masses and mobile phones penetration have set the ground to make participatory democracy a reality.
I have been cooking up some ideas around this in my mind for a while now. Here are some..
#1) Linking public grievances with maps or navigation aap. When ppl come across pot holes, non functional street lights and traffic signal lights , blocked or overflowing drainage etc they can report the issue using app. This is similar to Waze app on which ppl report traffic jams and cops.
#2. Digital polls by Apps or IVR(interactive voice response) for policy, spending and prioritization decision.
Govt can ask specific questions like. This year where should we allocate more funds
1. Public education
2. flyovers
#3. Ability to communicate easily with MLA or MP on public and policy issues on transparent manner. It can be done now but this exp can be hugely improved. We need combination of FB and quora. Where each MLA account is managed by govt, issues and initiatives have digital life cycle and history maintained which r easily searchable.
#4. Move funding of political parties to social media platform. Ask banks to create "open accounts" where every transaction credit\debit is public and ppl can comment and ask questions on thz transactions. Parties can attach\upload bills against thz transactions.
Digitalization of political funding, crowd sourcing audit of spending.
#5. By default every govt infra project has to geocoded (can be shown on map). By deafult project details r made public from panchayat level to national level. No need to file RTI.
If road project is approved. It should be shown on map with project cost, start date, end date, contractor details, project details. People can audit work, upload pics of work. Ask questions, give feedback.
By default everything is digitally public.