How can we add and remove header and footer in Ms word?
Answered by
Delete a header or footer
1) On the View menu, click Print Layout.
2) In the document, double-click the header or footer that you want to remove.
3) On the Edit menu, click Select All.
4) Press DELETE .
5) To return to your document, click
1) On the View menu, click Print Layout.
2) In the document, double-click the header or footer that you want to remove.
3) On the Edit menu, click Select All.
4) Press DELETE .
5) To return to your document, click
Answered by
In order to add and remove header and footer in the Microsoft Word, we need to follow the given steps:
• At first, we should double-click the header or footer area (near the top or bottom of the page) to open the Header & Footer Tools.
• Then the link to Previous is clicked to turn off the link between the sections.
• To delete the header, the Header or Footer button is clicked and Remove Header or Remove Footer is selected near the bottom of the menu.
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