How can we bring women to the mainstream of development?
Women who were once considered to be the weaker section of the society is now more or less back to the mainstream of development.
Needless to say, they've paved their own way, and have achieved greater goals.
But still, women are being lowered and neglected in many parts of the country.
What we can do is, try and spread compulsory education among the female folk of various areas and the interiors. The light of education will save half the problem.
Most of the funds that is being collected by the state and central government should trickle down to the needs of the women.
Self-Defence training for the women can also help them match strides with their male counterpart, with confidence.
We can bring women to the mainstream of development by educating them about their rights.
Providing them the platform which ensures their strong representation and inculcate the zeal in them to excel in every domain.
It can be done by removing societal norms and barriers.
All these will happen when they will be educated.
Thus, they can come in the mainstream by getting various opportunities to perform.