Sociology, asked by sandhyanishalmanu, 11 months ago

How can we combat cyber


Answered by hannahbhara


Tip 1 to Prevent Cyber Bullying – Be Wary of Your Child’s Online Activities

In this digital era, children are growing up with technology at their fingertips. Thus, different types of cyber bullying have become a household occurrence. Teenagers and adolescents are more vulnerable to cyber bullying as they have limited understanding of the good and the bad.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to be aware of your child’s online activities in order to prevent cyber bullying. Be cognizant of the apps and digital media that your child is using. It is imperative that you ensure that your child engages more in offline activities than an addiction to computers, online gaming, and smartphones.

Tip 2 to Prevent Cyber Bullying – Watch out for These Signs

The following are some warning signs that your child is being cyber bullied or is cyber bullying others.

Considerable increase or decrease in your child’s usage of a mobile, laptop or tablet

Display of emotional responses such as sadness, anger or happiness to the activities on their device

The tendency to avoid discussion on their online activities

Hiding of the device screen when others are close by

Indifference to social activities and gatherings, and outdoor activities

Sudden deactivation of their social media accounts or opening of new ones

Becoming depressed and withdrawn

Tip 3 Steps to Prevent Cyber Bullying – Steps to Take in the Aftermath

If you observe any of the aforesaid warning signs, it may indicate your ward’s involvement in some form of cyber bullying.

In the unfortunate event of your child experiencing cyber bullying, it is essential that you take prompt steps to show your support as well as report cyber bullying. The following are some of the things that you can do in case your child or kin is a victim of cyber bullying.


Notice if there is any abnormal change in the behavior or mood. Try to self-investigate the causes and note if these changes usually take place during the use of digital devices.


Don’t try to sound too prying or demanding, but gently engage your ward in a conversation. Take him/her into confidence and try to understand what is happening, when it all started and who are all involved?


Try to maintain a record of the online activities. If possible, take screenshots of any offensive or harmful content or post. In any case, evidence of online activities is mandatory when reporting cyber bullying.  


Most social media platforms have clear guidelines in place to report cyber bullying. Social media platforms can help you in having the offensive post removed. To report cyber bullying in India, you can send your complaint to [email protected]. Immediately register a complaint with the police in case your child is receiving sexual or physical threats, or you sense an illegitimate activity or crime underway.


Recovering from the trauma of cyber bullying can be time-taking and hard. In such cases, the victim needs support and guidance. It could come from parents, peers, family members or teachers. If required, seek the help of a professional counselor.

plz make me Brainliest

Answered by priya90271388

Answer: the names according to the Indian system of numeration the names according to the Indian system of numeration


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