How can we help our friend if one of their family member has died?
Here are some tips about getting in touch with someone who is grieving:
If you can’t get to see your grieving friend or family member, you could call them, write them a letter or email, or send them a text to let them know you're thinking about them.
Bear in mind that you don’t know how they’re feeling. Try to avoid saying things like ‘I know just how you feel’.
When you talk to them, take your lead from them. They may want to talk to you in detail about what happened and how they feel, or they may not.
If you make promises, stick to them. Your friend or family member may be feeling vulnerable and need to know other people can support them.
If you knew the person who died, you might say kind things about them and what they meant to you. This could mean a lot to your grieving friend or family member.
Thoughtful gestures such as inviting your friend or family member over for coffee or sending a text to say you’re thinking of them can be very supportive
By consoling our friend that when their is life then their is death too and re-birth too so, the soul never dies.