How can we participate in a political activity?
Ways citizens can participate
looking for information in newspapers, magazines, and reference materials and judging its accuracy
voting in local, state, and national elections
participating in a political discussion
trying to persuade someone to vote a certain way
signing a petition
wearing a button or putting a sticker on the car
writing letters to elected representatives
contributing money to a party or candidate
attending meetings to gain information, discuss issues, or lend support
campaigning for a candidate
lobbying for laws that are of special interest
demonstrating through marches, boycotts, sit-ins, or other forms of protest
serving as a juror
running for office
holding public office
serving the country through military or other service
disobeying laws and taking the consequences to demonstrate that a law or policy is unjust
• Voting,
• Campaigning,
• Signing a petition
• Joining political parties and
• Becoming involved in pressure groups.
hey cutie
i hope this helped u
good luck in your assignment pal
People should have a say in what happens and what is decided • There are many different ways in which people can participate in politics and decision making • Voting – people use their vote to choose what candidate or party they want to make decisions in the Parliament.