How can we prevent from diarrhoea?
◼️Hii There◼️
Though some types of diarrhea, such as those due to other medical conditions, are unavoidable, infectious diarrhea can be prevented.
The most important way to avoid diarrhea is to avoid coming into contact with infectious agents that can cause it. This means that good hand washing and hygiene are very important.
Also, if you travel to developing countries, you should take the following precautions:
1️⃣Drink only bottled water, even for tooth brushing.
2️⃣Avoid eating food from street vendors.
3️⃣Avoid ice made with tap water.
4️⃣Eat only those fruits or vegetables that are cooked or can be peeled.
5️⃣Be sure that all foods you eat are thoroughly cooked and served steaming hot.
6️⃣Pre-packaged food is usually safe to cosume (check expiration date)
7️⃣Never eat raw or undercooked meat or seafood.
Obtain hepatitis A and typhoid vaccinations prior to travel, if indicated for that region.