how can we protect our cattle from infectious disease
Diseases of cattle:
The diseases of dairy animals are broadly classified into:
•Diseases caused by parasites (external parasites are tick mite, lice and internal parasites are worms)
•Communicable (infectious) diseases caused by pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi etc.
•Non-communicable (non-infectious) diseases caused due to deficiency of nutrients or malfunctioning of body organs.
Symptoms of sick animals:
•The animal become inactive and remain isolated.
•It stops eating food.
•It moves slowly or limps.
•The animal may pass loose dung and coloured urine.
•The animal may run temperature and shiver.
•The milk yield or working capacity of animal is reduced drastically.
Prevention of cattle diseases:
•The animal should be kept in spacious, cleaned and airy shelter.
•The animal should be given nutritious feed.
•They should be vaccinated at regular intervals.
•Proper disposal of wastes and isolation of sick animals is very important.
by regular vetinary doctor check up and using antibacterial antifunus drugs to disese